Thursday, February 14, 2008

27 - Richter's hernia

These are the pictures of a type of hernia called the richter's hernia . It involves the herniation of only one side wall of the intestine which can lead to gangrene and perforation but there will be no symptoms of intestinal obstruction. 

Antimesenteric border only of the small intestine is incarcerated in the deep inguinal ring, therefore intestinal obstruction may be absent, but gangrene of the bowel wall may occur.

It is named after German surgeon August Gottlieb Richter (1742-1812).

Richter's hernia is seen most commonly in Femoral hernia . 

Amyand hernia is a type of hernia which contains appendix in it .

1 comment:

hillel hammerman said...

we just had a case of a chronically constipated 95y/o who presented with 36hours onset SBO froma right femoral Richters Hernia- not palpable on PE but seen on the CT scan and confirmed at surgery via femoral approach

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