Thursday, February 12, 2009

44 - oral cavity surgery mcqs - part 1

1q: epulis arises from ?


  1. enamel
  2. root of teeth
  3. gingiva
  4. pulp


answer:  c. gingiva or gum .


2q: the commonest site of oral cancer among Indian population is ?


  1. tongue
  2. floor of the mouth
  3. alveobuccal complex
  4. lip


answer: c . alveobuccal complex . the most common type of oral cancer in India is buccal mucosa ( 38 % ) followed by anterior tongue secondly ( 16 %) and thirdly lower alveolus ( 15.7 % ) . so when the percentages of buccal mucosa and lower alveolus are combined it is alveobuccal complex ( 53.7 % ) that is the most common type of oral cancer in India .

                                                    worldwide the most common type of oral cancer is the carcinoma of the lip and secondly carcinoma of the tongue .


3q: a patient has small, oval  multiple ulcers in oral cavity with red erythematous margins . the diagnosis is ?


  1. carcinoma
  2. apthous ulcer
  3. tubercular ulcer
  4. syphilitic ulcer


answer: b . apthous ulcers .


4q: the premalignant condition with the highest probability of progression to malignancy ?


  1. dysplasia
  2. hyperplasia
  3. leukoplakia
  4. erythroplakia


answer: d . erythroplakia . the malignant potential of erythroplakia is 17 times higher than leukoplakia .


5q: in carcinoma cheek what is the best drug for single drug chemotherapy ?


  1. vincristine
  2. cyclophosphamide
  3. cisplatin
  4. daunorubicin


answer: c . cisplatin . CISPLATIN is the best drug for single drug chemotherapy in the treatment of carcinoma cheek .


6q: painless ulcer of the tongue is due to ?


  1. dyspepsia
  2. syphilis
  3. tuberculosis
  4. none


answer: b . syphilis .


7q: most common type of oral cancer ?


  1. lip
  2. cheek
  3. tongue
  4. palate


answer: a . lip . when it is not mentioned in the question about a specific country , assume that it is the most common occurrence in the world and so the answer here is the most common type of oral cancer in the world is lip .


8q: commonest cancer of the oral cavity ?


  1. adenocarcinoma
  2. melanoma
  3. sarcoma
  4. squamous cell carcinoma


answer: d . squamous cell carcinoma . most of the cancers of the head and neck are of the squamous cell type .


9q: what is ranula ?


  1. retention cyst of sublingual gland
  2. retention cyst of submandibular gland
  3. extravasation cyst of sublingual gland
  4. extravasation cyst of submandibular gland


answer: a . retention cyst of sublingual gland .


10q: the most frequent tooth to be impacted is ?


  1. lower third molar
  2. lower canine
  3. upper third molar
  4. upper premolar


answer: a . lower third molar . the second most common type of tooth to be impacted is upper third molar and thirdly the maxillary canine .

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