Thursday, February 12, 2009

45 - oral cavity surgery mcqs - part 2

11q: a 60 year old man presents with an ulcer on lateral margin of tongue also complaints of ear pain , most probable diagnosis ?


  1. dental ulcer
  2. carcinomatous ulcer
  3. tuberculous ulcer
  4. syphilitic ulcer


answer: b . carcinomatous ulcer. The clue in the question is the site of the ulcer and the age of the patient with pain reference . the most common site of carcinoma of tongue is the anterior 2/3 rd or middle 1/3 rd of the tongue .


12q: anatomical structure injured in excision of ranula ?


  1. lingual vein
  2. lingual artery
  3. submandibular duct
  4. parotid duct


answer: c . submandibular duct .


13q: areas of carcinoma of oral mucosa can be identified by staining with ?


  1. 1% zinc chloride
  2. 2% silver nitrate
  3. Gentian violet
  4. 2 % toluidene blue


Answer: d . 2 % toluidene blue .


14q: radiographic finding of floating teeth can be seen in ?


  1. ectodermal dysplasias
  2. cleidocranial dysplasias
  3. osteoporosis
  4. histiocytosis – X


answer: d . histiocytosis – X .


15q: dentigerous cyst arises from ?


  1. an unerupted tooth
  2. apex of an infected tooth
  3. nasopalatine cysts
  4. solitary bone cysts
  5. multi locular keratocytes


answer: a . an unerupted tooth .


16q: the commonest pre-malignant condition of oral cancer is ?


  1. leukoplakia
  2. apthous ulcer
  3. lichen planus
  4. erythro-leukoplakia


answer: a . leukoplakia .


17q: multiple painful ulcers on tongue are seen in all except ?


  1. apthous ulcers
  2. tuberculous ulcers
  3. herpes ulcers
  4. carcinomatous ulcers


answer: d . carcinomatous ulcers are normally painless in the early stages , but in advanced cases due to involvement of surrounding structures they become painful .


18q: predisposing factors for development of oral carcinoma is ?


  1. smoking
  2. alcohol
  3. syphilis
  4. all the above


answer: d . all the above .


19q: a full thickness loss of middle one third of the upper lip is best reconstructed by?


  1. nasolabial flap
  2. cheek flap
  3. abbey flap
  4. estlander flap


answer: c,d . abbey-estlander flap is most commonly used in the reconstruction of the upper lip .


20q: which of the following best represents ranula ?


  1. a type of epulis
  2. a thyroglossal cyst
  3. cystic swelling in the floor of mouth
  4. forked uvula


answer: c . cystic swelling in the floor of mouth .

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